Recipe & Tips

Crispy Onion Rings
Easy preparation for a perfect appetiser.

Quick-fix to your oversalted soup
Reduce the saltiness of your soup / stew with this simple tr…

Almond Butter
An excellent, healthier alternative to peanut butter!

Microwaved Scrambled Eggs!
Delicious breakfast with less the hassle!

Stir-fry Mushroom Pasta
For a hearty and warm meal

Clean your hairbrushes once a month!
How to properly clean your hairbrushes?

Urgent Cleaning?
Running out of cleaning agents? Use this easy trick!

Milky Cookies
Easy, quick but delicioussss!

2-ingredient Choc Truffles
Easy quick dessert even with no-baking experience!

How to Efficiently Clean Your Floor?
What are the ideal ways to clean your floor?

How to Remove Tumeric Stain?
That meal was delicious..but what should you do with those y…

Overnight Oats
Nutritious and filling Grab n Go breakfast!

Slip-proof Trick!
Keep it safe, prevent your cutting board from slipping!

Dalgona Coffee
Looks good, tastes gooood!

Disinfect your Home!
Run out of anti-bacterial cleaner? Follow this tip!